- free online chat tool Lauren Rose

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1. Extended Features

1.1. Can share photos through chat by uploading photos, sketches, diagrams, etc. to the chat room.

1.2. Chatroom is automatically closed when left alone for an extended amount of time to avoid it being idle.

1.2.1. I think that this is a great security feature in preventing those who have no business being in the chatroom from writing anything that the user would not write themselves. Ilana Haas

1.3. Is compatible to post onto other social media tools including Facebook.

1.4. Are there any built-in safety and security features? - C. Hornyak

2. Uses for Stinto in education

2.1. Conferences between teachers or other administrators to collaborate ideas without having to physically meet.

2.1.1. I'm curious why someone would choose to use this program over something like skype or facetime. Why are the perks of using this with administrators rather than a video chat? -S. Goodyear One perk: you don't need any software or a web cam. It would be easy for those teachers who are still less familiar with technology or enjoy written collaboration rather than verbal collaboration. T. Scott

2.2. Link can be given to students to have them engage in a chat to go over ideas for a project or have a discussion.

2.3. When discrepancies come up or changes in plans, teachers can quickly send out the link of the chat and make adjustments as needed.

3. What Stinto Does

3.1. Allows anyone to create a free chat room

3.1.1. This could be a great interactive way for students to ask questions during a presentation rather than interrupting the teacher right away! -S. Goodyear

3.2. Creates unique link for the chat room

3.3. Once a person receives a link, they can join the room to join the discussion.

4. Easy to use features

4.1. No software to install for chat capabilities.

4.2. No need to register, users can enter their name upon going to the link and automatically enter chat.

4.2.1. I am wondering about privacy features if there is no registration. Are people invited to enter the room? Although, if the room is "disposable" then perhaps this is not needed. T.Scott

4.2.2. Can this be done on smartphones or tablets, or does it just have to stay on the computer, since everyone has their devices 24 hrs a day. B. Berg

4.3. Can create a new room in seconds.

4.4. Is there a feature that allows you to look at the chat logs? How far can you go back in time? Can they be deleted? -Dr. Fritz

4.4.1. I am also curious to know if there is an archive - C. Hornyak

4.4.2. Yes, fortunately once you are in the chatroom, you can archive the chat history. If that is not done, the chat room is automatically closed after a set amount of time since it is a "disposable" chat room. - L.Rose