1. Membership and profiles (facilitators)
1.1. Linked in to LinkedIn (e.g. integrated with LinkedIn)
1.2. All members can see %age profile completion
1.3. Better searchability of membership
1.4. Create membership lists by council, etc
1.5. Compulsory registration (job title, photo, etc) before full rights to platform?
1.5.1. Auto-reminders for non-completion
1.6. Expulsion of members with dead email addresses
1.7. If not visited in X months, reminder sent, threaten expulsion?
1.8. registration by council
1.9. identifying consultants seeking to use CoP for commercial gain
2. Promoting content
2.1. templates for 'notable practice stories'
2.2. Cross fertilisation
2.2.1. cross-cutting CoPs to promote content to niche communities
2.3. Auto-generate tiny-urls (that work)
2.4. More intelligent links betwen web & CoP content - e.g. using shared tags
2.5. Amazon style "if you like this, you might like this"
2.6. Link to e-learning modules, etc - punch out to other platforms
2.7. facilitator 'newsflash'
2.8. auto-designed newsletters
2.9. user opt-in to more frequent updates
2.10. ways of sending out info graphically and interactively
2.11. categorising content
2.11.1. geotagging
2.11.2. by 'councils like me'
3. Other issues
3.1. What do we do about councils that block access to social media sites?
3.2. dealing with fear of contributions
3.2.1. automated messages to support new users
3.3. need to make collaboration and contribution easy for people
3.4. user guides
3.4.1. hover over explanation of features
3.5. better promotion to non-members
3.6. virtual world simulation space to try things out
3.7. don't try to be 'the' portal - permeable
3.8. need much better tabbing, browing and navigation
3.9. open source for partners to use
3.10. not all CoPs should be visible on search
3.11. stuff drops off visibility before being dated - need to be able to see more content
3.12. needs to be easier to add profile pic or avatar
4. Supporting active membership
4.1. CoP colleagues lists
4.2. More carrots for people to use CoP
4.3. game style badges/ points to reward specific activities
4.4. virtual peer assist
4.5. easier for members to provide feedback
5. Online Events (e.g. hot seats, online conferences)
5.1. Seamless links between 'event' listing, 'agenda wiki' and event docs and forums
5.2. Able to sort (or view) by type of event: F2F, hotseat, etc
5.3. Separate section for hot seats instead of using forum
5.4. auto-refresh in forums
5.5. option for pre-moderation
5.6. specifically designed spaces for holding online conferences
5.7. threaded discussions
5.8. webinars
6. Events (listings)
6.1. Need to be able to list events in relevant CoPs without going to each one
6.2. Ability to send propose publishing an event to a CoP you're not a member of for facilitator to approve
6.3. Better location maps
6.4. mainstreaming live feeds from physical events
6.5. Connect documents to events listings
6.6. Connect feedback to events listings
6.7. making better connections between physical events and CoP Spaces
7. News feeds/ activity streams
7.1. Breaking news feeds
7.2. needs to be focussed, danger of info overload
7.2.1. needs to be punchy, not too much detail
7.3. include reminders to participate
7.4. needs to be more obvious
7.4.1. 'my home' should include activity streams
7.5. use activity feed in a such a way that can turn off email alerts in some areas
7.5.1. Facebook style
7.5.2. can we import our shared Google items?
8. Forums
8.1. more disucussions on front page dispay
8.2. chronological order by default
8.3. threads, views, copy-paste sections of previous response - like everyone else does forums!
8.4. auto-refresh (particularly for online events)
9. Wiki
9.1. superwiki for whole platform
9.1.1. 'hide' certain areas if need be
9.1.2. index certain areas for relevant communities
9.2. export wiki outcomes into a document
9.3. should work like Google Docs for collaboration spaces
9.4. should work like a regular wiki with search and navigation
10. Statistics
10.1. Better ways of getting survey/ feedback evaluation
10.2. Report of volume of activities e.g. like/dislike
10.3. Qualitative reports - e.g. around results of engagement
10.4. Better visitor stats, e.g. as a %age of members
10.5. Visits to sections
10.6. Social network analysis
10.7. macurican mecurial(??) measurements ??
11. Messaging/ chat
11.1. Integration with other services
11.1.1. Google chat
11.1.2. Twitter
11.2. Ability to filter members and choose who to message (e.g. by council, by region)
11.3. Automated messages to members
11.3.1. "Would you recommend this?" for every download.
11.4. Email alerts re messages
11.4.1. More obvious that it's a message
11.4.2. Content included in email
11.4.3. Reply by email
11.5. Message dashboard
11.5.1. Click 'unread' or flag mssgs for later action
12. Privacy and moderation
12.1. option for pre-moderation
12.2. need to ensure full registration of members
12.3. option of anonymity
12.3.1. via facilitators
12.3.2. in designated 'safe spaces'/ sand pits
12.4. Principle of openness, but allow privacy/ private groups
13. Information management
13.1. Search
13.1.1. Options to search results ranked by date, relevance, etc
13.1.2. More useful navigation by tags
13.1.3. Just much better search
13.2. Feeds
13.2.1. Facilitator to set parameters
13.2.2. Make meaningful, targeted and intuitive
13.2.3. Share public Google feeds
13.3. Navigation/ cataloguing
13.3.1. Apply more than one 'theme' to forum posts (as well as library items)
13.3.2. More useful navigation by tags
13.3.3. default chronological (i.e.) for forum posts
14. Shared spaces
14.1. Better links with IDeA website - e.g. specific section that auto-updates
14.2. direct links across to other resources (e.g. Gov Depts, etc)
14.3. More easily pull content from other places, e.g. Twitter
14.4. Wikis and shared spaces more like Google Docs
14.5. Move more easily between community areas
14.6. Easier pan-cop postings
14.7. Like the way shared spaces go to the top of 'my home'
15. Libraries
15.1. Super-library for all CoPs, use tags etc
15.2. Recommended docs - best ones come to the front
15.3. Automatic index of docs
15.4. sticky marker for interesting docs
15.5. 'look later' functions - social bookmarking of docs (could act as another rating function)
15.6. reminder after download, was this useful?
15.7. filters
15.8. better preview of documents before download
15.9. need to categorise content but allow uses to decide how they view
16. Blogs
16.1. streaming video and audio
16.2. pics
16.3. import and export XML (i.e. - bring your blog in from elsewhere or export it elsehwere)
16.4. more reassurance and support for first time users
16.4.1. automated help
16.4.2. buddy system