Mobile Apps

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Mobile Apps by Mind Map: Mobile Apps

1. Presentations

1.1. Prezi-Slide show presentations that are much more interesting than the typical powerpoint. Educators and administrators can use to actively engage their audience

1.2. PicCollage-This app is often used in a social context but could be used academically for book reports or inferencing skills in the classroom.

1.3. iBrainstorm-An app for preparing for presentations. Allows you to write and share with up others with just a swipe.

1.4. Pixntell-Story telling app. Picutres can be used along with a personalized voice. Students can use to make book reports and an administrator could use for professional development.

2. Classroom Education

2.1. Rocket Speller-An app that helps with spelling, irregularly spelled words as well as phonemically correct words. This could be used to help study spelling words in the classroom.

2.2. Kodable-An app that is geared towards primary students which teaches programming concepts and problem solving skills. Could be used in a math or science center.

2.3. Tic-Tac Phonics-An app created by Lakeshore which has reading and phonemic skills all packed into a fun childhood game that I use during daily 5 time.

2.4. Endless Alphabet-An app that teaches new vocabulary as well as sight words in a fun, inter-active way with songs and silly animations. I also use this app during Daily 5 time.

3. Organizational Apps

3.1. SmartScan-This is an app perfect for administrators or educators on the go. You can simply take a picture of a document and this app converts it into an PDF.

3.2. Easy Portfolio-This app you can create folders for whatever you need and in the folders you can place audio clips(recorded on your device), pictures, or sync it to your Google Drive and pull documents from that to fill out within the app. Great for an administrator to do assessments or for an educator to collect student data.

3.3. Evernote-With this app you can take notes and group notes together. I previously used the website but i feel the app version is easier and would be more user friendly for meetings.

3.4. Dropbox-Dropbox is a cloud based application that allows you to save files and retrieve them from any computer. Educators could use to save student work and administrators could use for quick access to files they need.