"The Ultimate Twitter Toolkit" by @scotthibberson

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"The Ultimate Twitter Toolkit" by @scotthibberson by Mind Map: "The Ultimate Twitter Toolkit" by @scotthibberson

1. How do I start making connections on Twitter?

1.1. Getting started

1.1.1. Getting started with Twitter: https://support.twitter.com/articles/215585-getting-started-with-twitter#

1.1.2. TweepSearch - Twitter people finder: http://tweepsearch.com/

1.1.3. Twellow - a kind of Twitter yellow pages: http://www.twellow.com/splash/

1.2. Next steps with Twitter

1.2.1. Hashtags A Simple Guide on the Use of Hashtags for Teachers: http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2013/05/a-simple-guide-on-use-of-hashtag-for.html Why Use Hashtags? Guide To The Micro-Blogging Universe: https://www.hashtags.org/platforms/twitter/why-use-hashtags-guide-to-the-micro-blogging-universe/ Hashtaqify - an advanced hashtag search engine: http://hashtagify.me/

1.2.2. Creating Lists & Filtering HOW TO: Use Twitter Lists: http://mashable.com/2009/11/02/twitter-lists-guide/ How to set up and use Twitter lists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt-_VFKcOT8 Muting users on Twitter: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20171399#

1.2.3. Guides and Top Tips The Teacher’s Guide To Twitter: http://www.edudemic.com/guides/guide-to-twitter/ Stephen Fry issues top tips for using Twitter: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/twitter/4389431/Stephen-Fry-issues-top-tips-for-using-Twitter.html The 4-1-1 rule: http://tippingpointlabs.com/twitter-is-dead-long-live-twitter/ Twitter Checklist: http://blog.red-website-design.co.uk/2014/08/05/the-ultimate-social-media-marketing-checklist-every-newbie-must-follow/ The Twitter Experiment - Twitter in the Classroom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WPVWDkF7U8&feature=youtu.be 10 Ways to use Twitter in Teaching: http://socialmediaforlearning.com/2015/02/23/10-ways-to-use-twitter-in-teaching/ 26 Effective Ways to use Twitter for Teachers and Educators Infographic: http://elearninginfographics.com/26-effective-ways-use-twitter-teachers-educators-infographic/#.VVrz_Nqk3Mg.twitter

1.3. What should I NOT do with Twitter?

1.3.1. 10 Legal Risks of Using Twitter: http://www.jisclegal.ac.uk/ManageContent/ViewDetail/ID/2552/10-Legal-Risks-of-Using-Twitter.aspx

1.3.2. The top 10 most irritating social media updates: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/social-media/9925114/The-top-10-most-irritating-social-media-updates.html

1.3.3. Twitter hashtag PR disaster #Susanalbumparty: I'd love to go, says Katy Brand: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/9698831/Twitter-hashtag-PR-disaster-Susanalbumparty-Id-love-to-go-says-Katy-Brand.html

1.3.4. Managing Negative Social Media Comments: An Infographic: http://www.bedigitalgiants.com/how-to-manage-negative-social-media-comments/?hvid=3VGKaa

1.3.5. Twitter's new quality filter removes abuse from your timeline:- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/twitter/11491485/Twitters-new-quality-filter-removes-abuse-from-your-timeline.html

1.3.6. Interesting article on how NOT to deal with negative comments on Twitter and social media generally: http://socialmedialondon.co.uk/protein-world-social-media/

2. How do I find out about all the cool stuff I can do with Twitter?

2.1. How to cite twitter, how to cite tweets, how to archive tweets: http://gunther-eysenbach.blogspot.co.uk/2009/04/how-to-cite-twitter-how-to-cite-tweets.html

2.2. Twtpoll - create quizzes and surveys using Twitter: http://twtpoll.com/

2.3. 25 ways to teach with Twitter by Sonja Cole: http://www.techlearning.com/news/0002/25-ways-to-teach-with-twitter-by-sonja-cole/56853

2.4. Using Twitter at Live Events

2.4.1. Twitterfall - displays live tweets around any given search term: http://twitterfall.com/

2.4.2. Visible Tweets - ideal for displaying tweets around a hashtag on big screens at events: http://visibletweets.com/

2.4.3. Twchat - allows you to create real time chat rooms based on a Twitter hashtag: http://twchat.com/

2.4.4. Twitter Fontana: http://twitterfontana.com/

2.4.5. Tips on Using Twitter for Conferences and Events: Ideas for Organisers and Participants: http://socialmediaforlearning.com/2015/02/09/tips-on-using-twitter-for-conferences-and-events-ideas-for-organisers-and-participants/

2.4.6. Tweetbeam: http://www.tweetbeam.com/

2.5. Job hunting

2.5.1. 20 Twitter Resources for Job Hunters: http://mashable.com/2013/10/17/twitter-job-hunting/

2.6. Create narratives around particular campaigns on Twitter with Storify: https://storify.com/

2.7. Get live weather updates from other Twitter users and contribute to the UK Snow map: http://uksnowmap.com/

2.8. Vine: A new way to share video: https://blog.twitter.com/2013/vine-a-new-way-to-share-video

3. How do I measure impact with Twitter?

3.1. Kred - measures personal social media reach and influence: http://kred.com/

3.2. Klout - Provides a Klout rating over time of your social media influence: https://klout.com/home

3.3. Sumall - provides Twitter analytics in one dashboard: https://sumall.com/

3.4. TIDSR: Toolkit for the Impact of Digitised Scholarly Resources: http://microsites.oii.ox.ac.uk/tidsr/kb/478/twitter

3.5. TAGS: Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet: https://tags.hawksey.info/

3.6. Simply Measured - provides a free report that can be exported to Excel or Powerpoint (need to register): http://simplymeasured.com/

3.7. Marketing: The Top 10 Free Twitter Analysis Tools: http://www.brandwatch.com/2015/03/top-10-free-twitter-analysis-tools/#.VQxz5dLAnzA.twitter

3.8. TweetMap: Useful for displaying a demographis on where your followers are based: http://tweepsmap.com/

4. How do I create a great Twitter profile?

4.1. What kind of profile photo should I use?

4.1.1. Perfect Profile Pictures: 9 tips, plus some research: http://www.orbitmedia.com/blog/perfect-profile-pictures-9-tips-plus-some-research/

4.1.2. 5 Tips for Creating the Perfect Profile Pic: http://mashable.com/2010/04/12/profile-picture-tips/

4.2. What should I put in my Bio?

4.2.1. How to Curate Your Digital Identity as an Academic: http://chronicle.com/article/How-to-Curate-Your-Digital/151001/

4.2.2. 6 Tips for Using Your Twitter Profile to Get New Followers: http://www.twitip.com/6-tips-for-using-your-twitter-profile-to-get-new-followers/

4.2.3. How to Write a Professional Bio for Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook & Google+: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/courtney-seiter/how-to-write-a-profession_1_b_5577682.html

4.3. Anything else I should add?

4.3.1. HOW TO: Make the Most of Your Twitter Profile Page: http://mashable.com/2010/05/10/organize-twitter-profile/