Note Taking

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Note Taking by Mind Map: Note Taking

1. Taking notes before a test can help you a lot

1.1. It can help you remember a lot

1.2. Spend at least ten minutes every week reviewing all your previous notes. if you do, you'll retain a great deal current use, as well as, for the exam.

2. Taking notes then looking at them later is a good review

2.1. if you take the notes it'll help you later

3. If you don't take notes you may forget some things.

3.1. Take notes to remember stuff

4. During the lecture use the note taking column to record the lecture using the telegraphic sentences

5. It can help you a lot

5.1. Listen carefully when the lecture is going on and you will remember a lot

6. Cover the note taking column with a sheet of paper. Then, looking at the questions or cue-words in the question and cue column only, say aloud, in your own words, the answers to the questions, facts, or ideas indicated by the cue-words.