O Brother Where Art Thou is a film adaptation of The Odyssey

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O Brother Where Art Thou is a film adaptation of The Odyssey by Mind Map: O Brother Where Art Thou is a film adaptation of The Odyssey

1. Protagonist

1.1. Odysseus

1.1.1. Courageous He keeps his head when they are sailing through Scylla and Charybdis.

1.2. Ulysses Everett McGill

1.2.1. Courageous He keeps his head when they are surround by the police at Wash Hogwallop's house.

2. Elements of an Epic

2.1. The Odyssey

2.1.1. Vast geographical setting Takes place in the Mediterranean Sea and surrounding area.

2.1.2. Hero is celebrated in the end. Odysseus is reunited with his faithful wife, and at home in peace.

2.1.3. Involves supernatural forces Gods such as Athena and Poseidon, the cyclops Polyphemus

2.1.4. Reflective of author's culture. The role of women and guest treatment is shown in the story.

2.2. O Brother Where Art Thou

2.2.1. Vast geographical setting Takes place in Mississippi and Alabama; several hundred miles.

2.2.2. Hero is celebrated in the end. Everett is going to have a high paying job working for the mayor as his "brain trust." He also regained friendship with Pete and Delmar. Though, he does have to go on a fool's journey for a ring if he's going to remarry Penny.

2.2.3. Involves supernatural forces Gods such as Athena and Poseidon, the cyclops Polyphemus

2.2.4. Reflective of author's culture. The Coen brothers weren't alive during the 1800s.

3. The Antagonist

3.1. Polyphemus

3.1.1. Treacherous - Takes no care for the Gods or the Greek tradition of host-guest, he plans to eat all of them and has eaten some of the men already.

3.2. Big Dan Teague

3.2.1. Treacherous - Takes them for a picnic and then robs them of their money. He also is a member of the KKK whom the trio have to face later.