Moving Native Americans-People wanted the federal government to force Native Americans to leave. ...

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Moving Native Americans-People wanted the federal government to force Native Americans to leave. President Andrew Jackson supported the settlers and demanded for Native American land by Mind Map: Moving Native Americans-People wanted the federal government to force Native Americans to leave. President Andrew Jackson supported the settlers and demanded for Native American land

1. Seminole people of florda were the only native americans who successfully resisted thier removal. But they were pressured in the early 1830 to give up there land. The Cheif of the Seminole ,Osceola, and some of his people stayed there and refused to leave florida and went to war with the U.S

1.1. The Seminole joined forces with a gtoup of african Americans who had run away to escape slavery. They used guerrilla tactics making surpise attacks on the whites and then running

1.2. Major Francis Dade pressured the call of more troops and equipment to fight the Seminole

1.3. In 1842 over 1500 Americans soldiers died in the war. When the government gave up some Seminoles where allowed to stay in Florida many seminole had died in the long war and many mor e were captured and were forced to move westward

2. Native American Resistance- !832 Sauk Chieftain, Black Hawk, led a force of Sack and Fox people to Illinois there homeland. They wanted to take it back.

2.1. Illinois responed with an army of 4,500 soldiers they chased the fox and sack to the Mississippi river and killed most of them when they where trying to flee westward

3. Congress responded by passing the Indian Removal Act. It let them pay the Native Americans to move west of the Mississippi river. Most felt compelled to accept for there lands. Congress created the Indian Territory, It is a place for Native Americans from the southeast.

4. The Cherokee refused to give up there land. They sued the state Government and took there case to the supreme court. They said that the Georgia had no right to interfere with the Cherokee. Jackson supported Georgias efforts to remove them and he did.

4.1. The trial they had to walk is know as the trail of tears