More inclusive community? Add your thoughts

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More inclusive community? Add your thoughts by Mind Map: More inclusive community? Add your thoughts

1. Opening programs/discussions to other cultures

2. Cultural Diversity

2.1. Benefits

2.2. Grocery

2.3. Unique mix of people and music, styles

3. Government

3.1. Is government building walls

3.2. organizations need to look at where the redundancies are --- wrong answer

4. Is interest in multicultural cross cultural

4.1. Multicultural Services Summit?

4.1.1. What services exist

4.1.2. Where are the grants

4.1.3. Microcredit Who would be responsible? Province Small business enterprise Social Lending Donor Matching

4.1.4. WEST

4.1.5. Grant writing

5. Multicultural Youth Programs?

6. Getting Ideas to Stick

6.1. Ideas are presented but don't gain traction

7. Parking Downtown

7.1. Needs improvement

7.1.1. where?

7.2. Garages

7.2.1. Wheelchairs

7.2.2. Mothers / Strollers

7.3. Family friendly

8. New Opportunities

8.1. Create more social interaction

9. Following Tradition vs New Directions

10. Transportation

10.1. No car is very difficult

10.2. Only so many strollers on the bus -- getting passed by

10.3. Family

10.3.1. Expenses

10.4. August - New Fair Boxes

10.4.1. New fair structure policy

10.4.2. Low income bus pass program / half price

10.4.3. Day passes (2.5 x adult fair)

10.4.4. Transfers - open window transfers

10.4.5. Family Pass 3x adult pass

10.4.6. Coming later - Monthly passes

10.4.7. Conference passes

10.4.8. Result of anti-poverty

10.5. Programs with larger employers

10.5.1. A bus pass significantly reduced rate

10.6. School buses / transit

11. Downtown Market

11.1. Anyone can present their resources

11.2. Community expresion

11.3. Pathway to Potential?

11.4. Entertainment

11.5. Cross Promoting with other groups

11.6. Joint events with other groups