Categories of Disability

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Categories of Disability by Mind Map: Categories of Disability

1. Speech/Language Impairment

1.1. Intervention/modification

1.2. Case study

2. Developmental Delay

2.1. Intervention/modification

3. Deafness

3.1. Intervention/modifcation

4. Deaf-Blindness

4.1. Intervention/modification

5. Autism

5.1. Internvention/modification

5.2. Case study

6. Emotional Disturbance

6.1. Intervention/modification

7. Hearing Impairment

7.1. Intervention/modification

8. Intellectual Disability

8.1. Intervention/modification

9. Orthopedic Impairment

10. Specific Learning Disability

10.1. Intervention/modification

11. Traumatic Brain Injury

11.1. Intervention/modification

12. Visual Impairment, including Blindness

12.1. Intervention/modification

13. Multiple Disabilities

13.1. Intervention/modification

14. Other Health Impairment

14.1. Intervention/modification

14.2. Case study