2.RI.3 Connections in Historical, Procedural, and Scientific Texts

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2.RI.3 Connections in Historical, Procedural, and Scientific Texts by Mind Map: 2.RI.3 Connections in Historical, Procedural, and Scientific Texts

1. Historical Texts

1.1. Students will read linked text "The Right to Vote."

1.2. Students will put the events that happened in order.

1.3. Students will answer "What led to women gaining the right to vote?"

2. Procedural Texts

2.1. Students will read the linked text "Big Bubbles."

2.2. Students will answer questions related to the text. Example: What would happen if you skipped step 2?

2.3. Students will create their own procedural writing and share it via Google Docs.

3. Scientific Texts

3.1. Video

3.2. Students will watch video to preview what a rainbow is and how a rainbow is formed.

3.3. Students will read linked text.

3.4. Students will answer questions about the concepts they read about in "April Showers."