How I learn Best

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How I learn Best by Mind Map: How I learn Best

1. Visual

1.1. Drawings

1.1.1. Like in math, doing the problem in pencil instead of using a calculator.

1.2. Charts

1.2.1. Flow-Charts help me see the task in order.

1.3. Diagrams

1.3.1. Diagram of how something is used always helps.

2. Hands On

2.1. Building

2.1.1. Building or putting something together with my hands will give me muscle memory.

2.2. Trying it Myself

2.2.1. If I dont know how something works I prefer to try it myself to get a hand on it.

3. Dummy Proof

3.1. The Basics

3.1.1. I need to understand the basics to accomplish a task.

3.2. How it all Works

3.2.1. If i know how every little piece works it is easier to understand.

3.3. Final Product

3.3.1. Now that I know the basics and how it all works I can produce a final product.

4. I will be writing out step by step my instructions for my task and my brainstorm ideas.

5. I already noticed I learn better when I talk to others about a task and share eachothers experience.