How can we make learning meaningful?

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How can we make learning meaningful? by Mind Map: How can we make learning meaningful?

1. Hands-on Learning

1.1. Cross-curricular lessons

1.2. Get up and move!

1.3. Involve technological resources

1.4. Be creative and think outside the box

2. Student Choice and Input

2.1. Student Interest Surveys

2.2. Ask for suggestions with content and assignments

2.3. Differentiate instruction to include choices

2.3.1. Homework menu

2.3.2. Project choices

2.4. Teaches self-monitoring skills

3. PBL / Inquiry-based Learning

3.1. Letting students come up with answers to real world problems through the use of questioning, models and analyzing results

3.2. Cross-curricular concepts

3.3. STEM / STEAM Lessons

3.4. Real world problem solving skills are used

4. Real World Connections

4.1. Tie into prior reading

4.2. Tie into prior knowledge and experiences

4.2.1. "Remember when we...?"

4.2.2. Specific every day examples

5. Reminder Link