Ethical Theories for Managers

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Ethical Theories for Managers by Mind Map: Ethical Theories for Managers

1. Utilitarianism

1.1. Emphasizes results: Act for the greatest good

1.2. Cost-benefit analysis

1.3. Orientations

1.3.1. Rule Utilitarians ignore context

1.3.2. Act Utilitarians consider context

1.4. Associated with John Stuart Mill

2. Universalism

2.1. Emphasizes rules: Duty to act responsibly

2.2. Categorical imperative

2.2.1. Actions must be correct in all situations

2.2.2. Treat individuals with respect

2.3. Associated with Immanuel Kant

3. Virtue Ethics

3.1. Emphasizes character: Act like a moral person

3.2. Society's rules are minimum threshold

3.3. Leading proponents

3.3.1. Socrates

3.3.2. Plato

4. Ethics of Care

4.1. Emphasizes relationships

4.1.1. Consider emotional response

4.1.2. Consider mutual interdependence

4.2. Feminist roots

4.2.1. Carol Gilligan

4.2.2. Annette Baier

4.2.3. Nel Noddings