Kinesthetic/Hands on Learners

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Kinesthetic/Hands on Learners by Mind Map: Kinesthetic/Hands on Learners

1. Summary: Prefer to see things visually in graphs and diagrams. When a lecture is being given my preference is to take quick notes, fiddle with things, and understand the concept as a whole but struggle remembering details. Some details may not click with the student until he/she is being active.

2. 3 Defining Characteristics: - Hands on experience - Doing before thinking - Moving while learning - Good hand-eye coordination - May need breaks between lectures

3. Study Techniques: - Build Graphs/Charts - Use Flashcards - Relate to another topic - Talk amongst a study group

4. Conclusion: To succeed in an online academic zone, a kinesthetic learner must remain focused and moving while learning new material. Depending on the class, a student may find it helpful to demonstrate certain lessons at home as if it was a classroom lab experiment. Flashcards are also a good idea due to the content motion of the information and the desire to use your hands. In all this may be the hardest learning style to have while attending college online.