1. Home
2. About the OLC
3. News
4. ANGEL Tutorials
4.1. Student ANGEL Tutorials
4.1.1. Copying and pasting from Word into ANGEL Compressing PowerPoint files for drop boxes and discussion forums ANGEL Crash Course ANGEL Courses Communication: Announcements, Live Chat, Live Office Hours Roster Content: Folder, Page, Link, Files, Drop Box, Game, Discussion Forums, Survey, Assessment, HTML Editor Calendar ANGEL Mail Rubrics in ANGEL: Activity, Discussion Community Groups Manuals
4.1.2. Copying and pasting from Word into ANGEL Compressing PowerPoint files for drop boxes and discussion forums
4.1.3. Leah: Adding a picture to a Discussion Forum
4.2. Instructor ANGEL Tutorials
4.2.1. Embedding a YouTube Video in ANGEL
4.2.2. ANGEL Crash Course ANGEL Courses Communication: Announcements, Live Chat, Live Office Hours Management: Preview Tool, Roster, Teams, Enabling/Disabling a Course Copy your course Gradebook: Using the Wizard, Adding Assignments, Entering Grades, View/Print Grades, Changing Gradebook Settings Content:Folder, Page, Link, Files, Drop Box, Game, Discussion Forums, Survey Importing content: From course or group, From LOR Assessment: Settings, Best practices, Questions HTML Editor Content Icons Rearranging and Moving Content Calendar: Adding Events Reports ANGEL Mail Grading in ANGEL: Drop Boxes, Discussions, "Placeholder" assignments Rubrics in ANGEL: Discussion Forum, Activity LORS: Using LORs Community Groups: Creating Groups, Roster/enrolling Manuals
4.2.3. Changing File Icons in ANGEL
4.2.4. Creating Drop Box rubrics
4.2.5. Creating Discussion forum Rubrics
4.2.6. Leah: Adding an Announcement ANGEL chat ANGEL E-mail ANGEL Calendar Embedding a YouTube video on ANGEL Adding a picture to a Discussion Forum Chris: Announcements Course Mail Live Chat Live Office Hours Using the Preview Tool Roster Teams Enabling/Disabling courses Copy your course Gradebook: wizard, adding assignments, entering grades, viewing/printing grades, changing gradebook settings Adding an event to the calendar Creating a folder Creating a page Using google docs with ANGEL Link Files Edit created content and change icons Rearranging and moving content Drop Box View and grade a drop box Discussion forum: grading, setting up, importing Survey Importing content from a course Importing from the LOR Assessment: setting it up, best practices, types of questions Creating a group
4.3. Menu: Manuals Crash Course Communication Course Management Content and Materials Gradebook Using LORs Community Groups Customization
5. Domains/Subdomains
5.1. olc.canisius.edu
5.2. forums.olc.canisius.edu
6. Resources
6.1. Instructor LibGuide
6.2. Student LibGuide
7. Community
7.1. http://canisius.vforums.co.uk/
7.1.1. Find a Mentor/Be a Mentor
7.1.2. FYS
7.2. Paddy making tutorial
8. Educational Technology Tutorials
8.1. Student Ed Tech Tutorials
8.1.1. Creating basic movies with iMovie/Windows Movie Maker Creating audio clips with Garage Band/Audacity
8.1.2. SPSS Let Jessie and Lisa know
8.1.3. Taskstream Let Jessie and Lisa know
8.1.4. Checkbox Survey
8.1.5. Paddy: Google Docs Google G-mail Google Spreadsheet Google Presentation and Spreadsheets Leah: Google Presentation Mindmapping with Mindmester Creating a Google Site Emily: MovieMaker Saving MovieMaker Amber: iMovie
8.2. Instructor Ed Tech Tutorials
8.2.1. Using web conferencing tools (Elluminate, etc) Using capture tools (Jing, Camtasia) Jing SKype
8.2.2. SPSS Let Jessie and Lisa know
8.2.3. Taskstream Let Jessie and Lisa know
8.2.4. Checkbox Survey
8.2.5. glogster.com
8.2.6. Uploading a video to YouTube
8.2.7. Leah: Skyping with Students Web conferencing with WizIQ Purchasing a headset (on YouTube)