Jessica Van Westering

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Jessica Van Westering by Mind Map: Jessica Van Westering

1. Childhood

1.1. Grew up In Long Island, New York

1.2. Moved to Orlando, Florida in fourth grade

1.3. Attended Meadow Brooke Elementary school in New York, and Sable Point Elementary school in Florida.

2. Education

2.1. Attended Lake Mary High School

2.2. Then went on to Valencia College

2.3. And now I am attending the University of Central Florida. Go knights!

3. Personal Interests

3.1. Health and fitness; a very important part of my life is staying healthy by working out at the gym and eating right!

3.2. Shopping! Or fashion. On of my favorite pass times is getting inspired by looking at the latest fashions in stores or online. One of my favorite online stores is Hautelook.

3.3. Movies. Whether I am watching a classic movie, or something that just came out in theaters, watching a movie is a great time for me to relax while being entertained.

4. Future Goals

4.1. Graduate from UCF! Although attending UCF has been an experience that I will always cherish, I am excited to move on to other opportunities in my professional life.

4.2. Get a job as teacher; teaching is something I truly love and after being in a classroom volunteering, and working at an after school program, I cannot wait to have my own classroom.

4.3. Travel; Something I have always wanted to do is travel outside the United States. Becoming worldly by experiencing different places and cultures is something that excites me and may help me as a future teacher.