M5 Learning Style Journal

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M5 Learning Style Journal by Mind Map: M5 Learning Style Journal

1. Kolb Learning Styles

1.1. Assimilator

1.1.1. reflective

1.1.2. abstract

1.1.3. integrator

1.1.4. think and watch

1.2. Diverger

1.2.1. look at different perspectives

1.2.2. use imagination to solve problems

1.2.3. good at idea generation

2. Visual Learners

2.1. see/feel

2.1.1. Spatial Howard Gardner visual-spatial

2.2. learn holistically

2.2.1. holistic focus

2.3. Dependent learners

2.3.1. attempt to understand the whole before the parts

2.4. concept-oriented

2.5. helped by

2.5.1. diagrams and charts

2.6. Webbing

2.6.1. Concept mapping

2.6.2. MindMapping

2.6.3. Outlining

2.7. prefer to use

2.7.1. imagination

2.7.2. creativity

2.7.3. informal learning situations

2.8. group oriented

3. Kurt Vega 2/15

4. Learning Context

4.1. Creativity

4.2. Spirituality

5. Primary Sensory Modality

5.1. Auditory

5.2. Visual

5.3. Tactile

6. How do they integrate

7. creativity

7.1. picture/image

7.1.1. pops into my head can transform to some degree in my mind's eye can help to draw or chart

7.1.2. visualization

7.1.3. often spatial feeling

7.2. diagram or chart

7.2.1. used to help think generate further ideas