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China by Mind Map: China

1. Religions

1.1. Confucism

1.1.1. Founded by Confucius

1.1.2. Stressed excellence in character and reverence for elders

1.1.3. Basis for Chinese culture

1.1.4. Based on the philosophical teaching and wisdom of Confucius

1.1.5. Sacred text: Analects

1.2. Daoism

1.2.1. Founded by Lao Tzu

1.2.2. Stressed harmony with nature

1.2.3. Famous for Yin and Yang symbol

1.2.4. Belief in a universal energy known as the Dao

1.2.5. Sacred text: Tao Te Ching

2. Global Contributions

2.1. Inventions

2.1.1. Paper

2.1.2. Gun powder

2.1.3. Wheel burrow

2.1.4. Fertilizer

2.1.5. Fireworks

2.1.6. Porcelin

2.1.7. Compass

2.2. Trade

2.2.1. Silk Road was the most traveled trade route in the world

2.2.2. Created major demand in Europe for eastern goods

2.2.3. Silk, porcelain, and jade

2.3. Politics

2.3.1. Feudal system influenced ancient Japan

2.3.2. Civil Service exams for government jobs would later be instituted in America and other modern democracies

2.3.3. Mandate of Heaven would influence European monarachs

2.3.4. Acceptance of all religions and people under Mongol rule influenced Enlightenment philosophers

3. Geography

3.1. Rivers

3.1.1. Yellow

3.1.2. Yangzi

3.1.3. Xi

3.2. Mountain Ranges

3.2.1. Himalayas

3.2.2. Tian Shang

3.2.3. Kunlun

3.3. Deserts

3.3.1. Gobi

3.3.2. Taklamakan

4. Dynasties

4.1. Shang

4.1.1. 1523 BCE to 1028 BCE

4.1.2. Developed writing

4.1.3. Developed calendar

4.2. Zhou

4.2.1. 1046 BCE to 221 BCE

4.2.2. Instituted the Mandate of Heaven

4.2.3. Developed Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism

4.3. Qin

4.3.1. 221 BCE to 207 BCE

4.3.2. Built the Great Wall

4.3.3. Used forced labor to expand infastructure

4.4. Han

4.4.1. 206 BCE to 202 CE

4.4.2. Developed paper

4.4.3. Instituted civil service exams based on Confucianism