Tony's Learning Style

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Tony's Learning Style by Mind Map: Tony's Learning Style

1. Auditory

1.1. 43%

1.1.1. Best Style

1.2. Prefer to learn by listening

1.2.1. Do extra research to find podcasts, videos, etc to help understand material

1.3. Recall words heard easier than words read

1.3.1. Discuss with fiancé homework and lessons to understand and remember easier

1.4. Written tests harder to take than active or verbal ones

1.4.1. Prepare for the fact that tests will be a weak point. Dedicate at least two hours to think through the test and work through it with as little frustration as possible.

2. Summary:

2.1. My learning style is more auditory with elements of Visual and Kinesthetic. There are challenges that I face with this predominant learning style as online education is not setup for Auditory like it is for visual. I have found ways to overcome this by talking over the lessons and assignments with my fiancé to make sure I understand them, find videos and podcasts from respected sources, dedicate enough time on tests to minimize my frustration and allow myself the chance to be able to complete it successfully.

3. Kinesthetic

3.1. 29%

3.2. Hands-on learner

3.3. Love to move around frequently - i.e. can't sit still

3.4. Love to get in there and figure a problem out by doing it rather than reading or talking about it

4. Visual

4.1. 29%

4.2. Most popular learning style - also most widely accepted learning style

4.3. Learns best by pictures and reading

4.4. Prefer to think in pictures or movies