My Learning Style Name Visual

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My Learning Style Name Visual by Mind Map: My Learning Style Name Visual

1. My meaning of visual

1.1. Visual learning is a learning and teaching style in which the information, data and ideas are delivered through various images and techniques. There are different techniques used in visual learning in order to deliver the information to the audienc

2. Visual Tactics

2.1. Visual tactics and other strategies were used by different teachers in school to develop and enhance the visual abilities. The two visual tactics and planning that has been used in school learning were:

2.2. Puzzle solving methods

2.2.1. These type of exercise were developed in order to enhance the visual memory in order to remember various scenarios and puzzles that used for solving a particular questions, such questions showed a video or image and the questions were according to some definite patterns in the image, and the explanation were based on the perception and physical memory of the visual image. As writers, the visual and spatial learner developed this art of writing a detail knowledge about the image which enhanced our writing skills and looking at things on a “bigger picture” (Oxford R., 19

2.3. Presentations and Demonstration

2.3.1. Presentation was by far the most interesting and easy method and technique for learning through visual representations. Images and related texts were sequenced in the form of a story that delivered the contents of the entire lecture through very few and concise text along with some visual images to show relations between the text and images. The contents delivered could easily be noted on our notebooks using our visual memory and enhanced perception to write completely and thoroughly about these lectures (Zhou, 2011).

3. Characteristics

3.1. A visual learner always remember through visual representation instead of audio learning.

3.2. Visual learners have this ability to see and write entire passages and documents by just focusing some key points of the passage.

3.3. Images, diagrams and other visual symbols can be easily recalled.

3.4. Such type of learning neglects the audio learning and hearing ability of the user and it is difficult to remember different verbal instructions.

4. Conclusion

4.1. Exams

4.2. Visual learning is the most effective and easy to be implemented learning style than the audio and other mainstream learning styles. The development in the child’s learning capability is thoroughly develop through this learning style and also enhances the visual perception along with writing skills of such pers

5. References

5.1. Oxford, R., Holloway, M., & Horton-Murillo, D. (1992). Language learning styles: Research and practical considerations for teaching in the multicultural tertiary ESL/EFL classroom. System, 20(4), 439-456. doi:10.1016/0346-251x(92)90057-a

5.2. Zhou, M. (2011). Learning Styles and Teaching Styles in College English Teaching. IES, 4(1). doi:10.5539/ies.v4n1p7