La comida (the food)

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La comida (the food) by Mind Map: La comida (the food)

1. La cocina (the kitchen)

1.1. La taza (the cup)

1.2. La cuchillo (the knife)

1.3. El tenedor (the fork)

2. Las verduras (the vegetables)

2.1. El apio (the celery)

2.2. La patata (the potato)

2.3. Los guisantes (the peas)

2.4. La zanahoria (the carrots)

3. Las frutas (the fruits)

3.1. La fresca (the strawberry)

3.2. El pomelo (the grapefruit

3.3. La pera (the pear)

3.4. La manzana (the apple)

4. Las bebidas (the drinks)

4.1. El jugo de naranja (orange juice)

4.2. El jugo de manzana (apple juice)

4.3. La leche (the milk)

4.4. La limonada (the lemonade)