Learning Unlimited Content Strategy

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Learning Unlimited Content Strategy by Mind Map: Learning Unlimited Content Strategy

1. FAQ

1.1. What have you done for other people?

1.2. Can you help us with this problem?

1.3. Where do you work?

1.4. How do you customize solutions for us?

1.5. How much does it cost?

1.6. What makes you think you can connect with my people?

1.7. Do you feel my pain?

1.8. What makes you different?

1.9. Process vs Event

1.10. Our source library

1.11. 360 Assessments/Surveys

2. Common elements

2.1. Case Study

2.1.1. Unity Health

2.1.2. WebMD

2.1.3. H & P

2.1.4. Samford

2.1.5. SWN

2.2. Pre-assessment

2.3. Testimonials

2.4. History

2.5. Service Guarantee

2.6. FAQ

3. New node

4. Global elements

4.1. Logo

4.2. Nav

4.3. Service Guarantee ?

4.4. Footer

4.4.1. Contact form

4.4.2. Client logos

4.4.3. About us blurb

4.4.4. Links Store Privacy FAQ Contact

4.4.5. Phone #

5. Home

5.1. Main message

5.2. Tab: Why most training doesn't work

5.3. Tab: What we do best

5.4. Tab: Service guarantee

5.5. Pre-assessment widget

5.6. Case study

6. About

6.1. History (succinct, poignant)

6.2. Tab: Core ideology

6.3. Tab: Guiding principles

6.4. Tab: Purpose

6.5. Staff

6.6. Testimonial

7. Contact

7.1. Form

7.1.1. Name

7.1.2. Email

7.1.3. Phone Number (optional)

7.1.4. Message (optional)

7.2. General info

7.2.1. Address

7.2.2. Phone

7.3. Google map

8. Services

8.1. Brief overview

8.1.1. List of services (with short descriptions)

8.2. Service Guarantee

8.3. Tab: Leadership

8.3.1. Leadership Development Process

8.4. Tab: Team

8.4.1. Team Building

8.5. Tab: Organizational Development

8.5.1. Senior Team Alignment Process

9. Case Study

9.1. Challenge

9.2. Process

9.3. Results