Cedric Thompson Road to Graduation

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Cedric Thompson Road to Graduation by Mind Map: Cedric Thompson Road to Graduation

1. Patience

1.1. The process in my life of graduating required perseverance and great patience.

1.2. Sometimes I just wanted to rush to the end and accomplish my goal but there was a process.

1.3. Once the process was understood then the time became of essence and I made progress accordingly.

2. Moving

2.1. Throughout my life moving was such a major part because my dad was always getting relocated.

2.2. This affected me personally because of my friends and social life being uprooted all too often.

2.3. Moving taught me how to adapt to situations and be more flexible when it comes to people.

3. College

3.1. College is the point in my life where I really had to hit the books hard in order to accomplish my dream of graduating.

3.2. Despite distractions I had to remain focused and set on the task at hand to graduate and I finally did in December of 2014

3.3. Everything I had learned in my life had to be put to use when it came to fulfilling my last step of my goal.

4. Childhood

4.1. Growing up at home was fun and my parents were very supportive.

4.2. I was home schooled over the summer to keep my brain mentally sharp.

4.3. Home was a place were excellence was developed and a mentality for greatness was produced.