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Aluminum Can by Mind Map: Aluminum Can

1. Al - property

1.1. FCC

1.2. Melting Point 660

1.3. 2.7 g/cm3

1.4. E = 7050kPa

1.5. 300円/g

2. mecanins of Al can (test)

2.1. Coca Cola

2.1.1. E=6.0Msi,Sy=40.6ksi,t=0.0041in

2.2. Dr.Pepper

2.2.1. E=5.9Msi,Sy=42.5ksi,t=0.0043in

3. Manufacturing Process

3.1. Deep Drawng (深絞り加工)

3.1.1. ランクフォード値

3.2. Ironing

3.3. Shaping

4. Analysis

4.1. 時間がなかったのでまた時間があれば。

5. history of can

5.1. 1813 First Canning Facility

5.2. 1965 Aluminum Can

6. advantage

6.1. highly ductile

6.2. light weight - extreme low density

6.3. ability to be recycled

7. disadvantage

7.1. Alzheimer's disease?

7.2. weakness

8. Reference