Popular Music Education

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Popular Music Education by Mind Map: Popular Music Education

1. Old Pedagogy

1.1. Western Classical

1.1.1. band

1.1.2. orchestra

1.1.3. choir

1.2. jazz

2. Popular Genres

2.1. rock

2.2. hip hop

2.3. electronica

2.4. country

3. New node

4. Issues

4.1. time

4.2. authenticity

4.3. credited educators

5. Benefits

5.1. chamber ensemble experience

5.1.1. leadership

5.1.2. diplomacy

5.2. intrapersonal expression

5.3. interpersonal experiences

5.3.1. issues of racism

5.3.2. bringing cultures together

5.4. supplemental to old pedagogy

5.4.1. enforces improvisational skills ear training harmonic differentiation call/response technical ability

6. Personal Experiences

6.1. rock bands

6.1.1. learning guitar

6.1.2. self promotion

6.2. personal compositions

6.2.1. learning software

6.2.2. solo performance

6.3. jazz combos