College and Career Readiness Programs

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College and Career Readiness Programs by Mind Map: College and Career Readiness Programs

1. Some already exist

1.1. Arizona State Standards

1.2. Achieve

1.3. Naviance

1.4. AVID

2. School Involvement

2.1. requirement for all students

2.2. make higher education more appealing

2.3. help students better plan for the future

2.4. Implementation of programs

3. Advantages

3.1. Students feel prepared

3.2. Students will feel like they can actually go to college

3.3. Better prepared for the world

3.4. More students go to college or onto higher education

4. Programs

5. Future Impact

5.1. Feeling of being prepared for after graduation

5.2. understanding the paths that our out there for students to take

5.3. make students better candidates for jobs

5.4. help students realize their potential and help them move forward in planning the future.