Race In Latin America

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Race In Latin America by Mind Map: Race In Latin America

1. Argentina & Cuba

1.1. Argentina: Xenophobia

1.1.1. 1880s; Indians & Blacks became insignificant minorities & immigration became a major social issue 1890s most of Argentina's Indians had been killed or enslaved by forcibly being incorporated into slavery.

1.2. Cuba: African Component Refusal

1.2.1. Afro-Cuban intellectuals were not sufficiently strong to warrant the recognition of the Creole Elite Creole Elite was not ready to share power with Afro-Cubans after the independence 1901; the constitution gave non-whites equality(without specifying race, sex, place of birth or religion), and universal male suffrage

2. France and Haiti

2.1. French Emancipation defended by the blacks of Saint Domingue, against Spanish, English, & French troops

2.1.1. Lead to abolition of slavery

2.2. Saint Domingue

2.2.1. 1780s was the center of the Atlantic Slave Trade

2.2.2. Produced more than half the world's coffee mainly with slaves and land owned by free colored people

2.3. Frederick Douglas; acknowledged that the Haitian Revolution is what helped caused freedom for the colored world.

3. Brazil

3.1. Received more slaves than any other country

3.2. Racial Ideas

3.2.1. The Whitening Ideal Widespread Belief by, Gilberto Freyce, that the Portuguese enjoyed an uncanny ability to whiten the darker peoples with whom they mixed

3.3. Abolitionist believed that miscegenation would gradually and inexorably "Whiten and Upgrade" the Brazilian population

4. Racism, Revolution & Indigenismo: Mexico 1910-1940

4.1. Chinese Population

4.1.1. Subjected to oppression which led to large explosions in 1931

4.2. Impact of Revolution

4.2.1. 19th Century Saw a progressive breakdown of the caste like, colonial order & its replacement by a society stratified by class

4.3. Caste System

4.3.1. Sought to preserve a degree of separation between Indian & Spaniards Xenophobia: Mistreatment of Asians and Indians