Derivative Disclosure

A rough draft of my mind map on derivatives

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Derivative Disclosure by Mind Map: Derivative Disclosure

1. What are derivatives?(2)

1.1. Definition


1.1.2. Types

1.2. How does it work?


1.2.2. Investment Text book

1.3. Pros

1.3.1. Need more sources

1.4. Cons

1.4.1. Need more sources

2. The economy(1)

2.1. The economy today

2.1.1. Goldman-Sachs

2.2. 2008 Recession

2.2.1. How derivatives played a role

2.2.2. AIG

3. Introduction & thesis

4. Legislation(3)

4.1. The policies

4.1.1. The Wall Street Journal

4.2. Division among the senate

4.2.1. The Wall Street Journal

4.3. The change

4.3.1. Exchanges

4.3.2. Limits

4.3.3. New node

5. The Stock Market and businesses(4)

5.1. The impact

6. Conclusion