Liam , Amara, Bryan, and Matt

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Liam , Amara, Bryan, and Matt by Mind Map: Liam , Amara, Bryan, and Matt

1. Intermolecular forces are the forces that hold the molecules in a solid together. The intermolecular forces that affect solids are very strong compared to the forces of liquids or gases.

2. Amorphous solids are solids without form that do not have a repeating pattern and no distinct melting point.

3. There are four types of crystalline solids: ionic, molecular, network covalent, and metallic.

4. Crystalline solids are solids that has its molecules arranged in a symmetrical pattern. They are generally incompressible and have anisotropy, conductivity, tensile strength, and cleavage.

5. Solids have a definite volume, shape, density, and they are sometimes compressible.

6. Solids have a fixed shape that are composed of molecules that are not free to move in their fixed positions.

7. Gases

7.1. No definite shape or volume

8. Solids

9. Kinetic Theory

10. Liquids

10.1. composed of molecules that move freely among themselves but don't separate like gases

11. According to the Kinetic Theory, the molecules in solids are closely packed together and have strong bonds between each molecule.