World War II

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World War II by Mind Map: World War II

1. Strategy of Appeasement

1.1. Students will evaluate the role of appeasement in Nazi Germany's rise by completing their guided notes, engaging in discussion, and analyzing a political cartoon.

1.1.1. Assessment: Students will submit their guided notes which will be checked for completion and development of responses. Teacher will read questions out loud and facilitate student discussions. Teacher will utilize a prezi in order to give a lecture on the strategy of appeasement. Teacher will read directions out loud, provide clarification as needed, and monitor student progress. Students will complete their guided notes as they view the prezi. Students will analyze a political cartoon regarding appeasement. Students will participate in group and whole class discussion.

2. Rise of Fascism in Europe and Militarism in Japan

2.1. Students will evaluate the causes for the rise of Fascism in Europe and Japan’s desire to create an empire. Students will also analyze the rise of these regimes by filling out the lesson’s graphic organizer and be able to identify the reasons why these nations turnd to totalitarian regimes.

2.1.1. Assessment: Students will submit their graphic organizers which will be graded for completion and historical accuracy. Teacher will engage students in a whole class discussion regarding the warm up questions. Teacher will utilize a graphic organizer in order to monitor student progress and check for understanding. Teacher will read directions out loud, answer clarifying questions, and facilitate student discussion and presentations. Students will participate in group and whole class discussion. Students will complete a graphic organizer while working in groups. Students will present their findings on their assigned nation and then listen to the presentations of other groups in order to complete their graphic organizers.

3. Major Battles of World War II

3.1. Students will analyze the major battles of WWII and evaluate their impact on the course of the war by engaging in the historical gallery walk and completing their major battles handout.

3.1.1. Assessment: Students will submit their major battles handout which will be checked for completion and historical accuracy. Teacher will organize and facilitate the historical gallery walk. Teacher will provide clear directions and monitor group progress during the historical gallery walk. Teacher will facilitate whole class discussions. Students working in groups will analyze and discuss the sources for each battle addressed in each station of the gallery walk. Students will complete their major battles handouts using the information presented in each major battle station. Students will participate in group and whole class discussion.

4. Pearl Harbor

4.1. Students will evaluate the impact of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and analyze primary sources identifying at least three major components of each primary source.

4.1.1. Assessment: Students will submit their primary source worksheets which will be graded for completion and accuracy of information. Teacher will engage students in a whole class discussion regarding a photograph of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Teacher will provide directions, provide clarification, and monitor students progress as they grapple with the primary sources. Teacher will facilitate group presentations and discussion of what was learned during the lesson. Students will analyze a photograph of the bombing of Pearl Harbor and participate in class discussion. Students working in groups will analyze a primary source and complete a primary source worksheet. Students in groups will present the primary source that they focused on during the lesson.

5. The Atomic Bomb Decision

5.1. Students will analyze the U.S. decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan and evaluate arguments for and against the use of the bomb.

5.1.1. Assessment: Students will submit their atomic bomb handout which will be graded for completion and accuracy. Teacher will provide clear instructions to the simulation and provide a handout with written directions that students can reference. Teacher will monitor student progress and ensure that all students are participating in the simulation. Teacher will facilitate student discussions and whole class discussions. Students will participate in the simulation by playing their historical character and stating their opinion in character. Students will work together in order to formulate a plan of action regarding the use of the atomic bombs against Japan. Students will actively engage in group and whole class discussions.