Famous American Inventors

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Famous American Inventors by Mind Map: Famous American Inventors

1. Henry Ford: Inventor of the moving assembly line

2. Robert Fulton: Inventor of the steamboat

3. Cyrus McCormick: Inventor of mechanical reaper

4. Samuel F.B. Morse: Inventor of telegraph and morse code

5. Dr. Jonas Salk: Inventor of Polio vaccine

6. Eli Whitney: Inventor of cotton gin

7. Alexander Graham Bell: Invented the telephone

7.1. http://www.american-inventor.com/alexander-graham-bell.aspx

8. John Moses Browning: Invented the shotgun

9. Willis Carrier: Invented Air Conditioning

10. Samuel Colt: Inventor of the Colt revolver

11. Charles Goodyear: Inventor of vulcanized rubber

12. Orville and Wilbur Wright: Inventors of the airplane

12.1. http://www.american-inventor.com/orville-wilbur-wright.aspx