1. Purpose of Zoos
1.1. educate people? esp kids
1.2. Conservation
1.2.1. Modern zoos have an important role to play in conservation. They help protect, preserve and restore wildlife and their habitats. Zoos bear the responsibility of educating the public and creating awareness for the dwindling numbers in the animal kingdom.
1.3. purely as a form of entertainment now??
1.3.1. "Crowd pulling" animals like Madagascar?? heehee purposeless existence of animals
1.4. Prepare the animals to return to their natural habitats
1.4.1. counterargument: won't the animals get used to living in captivity, that being released back into the wild will be more detrimental to them, especially if they are held captive for long periods of time?
2. Implications of them being in captivity
2.1. Detrimental effects
2.1.1. Lose their basic instincts Because they exist only in zoos, the Przewalski's horses we see are in many ways quite unlike their wild ancestors. They don't roam through open spaces, find their own food, choose mates, defend their territory or interact with other species zoo-bred and zoo-bound generations of species like Przewalski's horse really Przewalski's at all?? Distorted behaviour- Acquisition of food. Without hunting to pass time, animals become bored and turn to abnormal ways of passing time animals are unable to hunt and feed of their own accord. in captivity, they'll have to wait for the zookeepers to feed them also making them lazy
2.1.2. Animals can die prematurely in zoos In 1991 twenty-five Asiatic Lions were born in zoos around the world - 22 of them died. In the same year 166 cheetahs were born in zoos, of which 112 died
2.1.3. Zoos may carry diseases
2.1.4. Lack genetic diversity but no leh, y'know Singapore Zoo has like, "trades" with other zoos to get like, eggs/sperms from them OR they directly fly animals in exchange so that the gene pool not so restricted.. counter point then!
2.1.5. Surplus animals Sold to circuses Sold to exotic food industry
2.1.6. Deplorable conditions in zoos Small enclosures for animals (vs wide open spaces in natural wild habitats?) birds wings clipped so they cant fly aquatic animals given little water many animals that naturally live in herds or family groups are kept alone or at most in pairs The animals are closely confined, lack privacy, and have little opportunity for mental stimulation or physical exercise, resulting in abnormal and self-destructive behavior, called zoochosis animals are often forced to live in climates they are not adapted to or even capable of adapting to. for example keeping polar bears captive in tropical climates and elephants captive in temperate climates where temperatures are freezing
2.1.7. Horrible treatment of animals Animals suffer from more than neglect in some zoos. When Dunda, an African elephant, was transferred from the San Diego Zoo to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, she was chained, pulled to the ground, and beaten with ax handles for two days. One witness described the blows as "home run swings." Such abuse may be the norm. New node
3. GOOD THINGS abt being in the zoo!
3.1. Protection against hunters and poachers: the animal could've been hurt then people send to the zoo, like Steve Irwin that kinda y'know!
3.2. Zoos advocate conservation (e.g. Singapore Zoo)
3.3. Protect endangered animals!
3.3.1. Keep ecosystem balanced! Singapore Zoo: Home to over 2,500 specimens from 315 species, 16% of which are threatened, the Zoo has attained a strong reputation internationally for its conservation initiatives and breeding programmes. SIDEPOINT: question whether this noble aspiration is actually carried out,A 1994 report by the World Society for the Protection of Animals showed that only 1,200 zoos out of 10,000 worldwide are registered for captive breeding and wildlife conservation. Only two percent of the world's threatened or endangered species are registered in breeding programs
3.4. Education
3.4.1. Develop empathy for animals
3.4.2. Aware of threats to animals
3.4.3. alot of schools have field trips to the zoo! then kids can learn (Y)
3.5. Protection when they're habitats are lost! Exmaple when there is deforestation, logging, urbanisation
3.5.1. Zoos can then act as a "sanctuary"
3.6. Injured/ill animals can receive care and be rehabilitated
4.1. No case cause although in theory zoos are helping to conserve and protect the animals in reality they are not (EDIT THIS?????) not all are not! but you never know, alot of them are profit driven
4.2. zoos have to receive proper accrediation to be recognised as instituitons that are advocating and practising conservation. They also should be educating the public about conservation efforts and rehabilitation programmes that they are currently doing. Government support? so that zoos will not run at a deficit and not be so profit driven. So, constant checks and balances have to be in place. proper and adequate enclosures to house the animals in place (closely simulate their natural habitats) and sufficient space, food.
4.3. Zoos that are not able to pass this accrediation should be penalised and "blacklisted?"
4.3.1. International or regional guidelines should be created.
5. Current Checks and Balances for Zoos
5.1. Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)
5.1.1. In AZA, "accreditation" means official recognition and approval of a zoo or aquarium by a group of experts. These experts, called the AZA Accreditation Commission, carefully examine each zoo or aquarium that applies for AZA membership. Only those zoos and aquariums that meet our high standards can become members of AZA.