Should advertising be restricted in any way? (Nov. 2001, Q8)

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Should advertising be restricted in any way? (Nov. 2001, Q8) by Mind Map: Should advertising be restricted in any way? (Nov. 2001, Q8)

1. Yes, it should be restricted

1.1. Current status

1.1.1. Censorship by governing bodies (E.g. Media Development Agency) Rationale

2. Yes: If it's socially irresponsible

2.1. Defined by the potential social problems it will cause

2.2. Especially so if advertisement will be widely-circulated/Exposed to unintended parties

2.3. Needed as parents may not regulate/ teach the child the correct version of things OR public education efforts/responses from public are inadequate to correct things

3. Issues at hand. (Why should restriction be considered)

3.1. sexual issues

3.1.1. pornography effects on minors their perception of social norms. E.g the use of half-naked models in suggestive poses in Calvin Klein advertisements. Suggests that sexual openness is the norm. May not be the case in conservative Asian societies. Location of advertisements should be considered

3.1.2. gender equality objectification of women Casual dining restaurant, Nando’s “Classic Double Breast Burger” ad has falled foul of the Advertising Standards Bureau, where it featured a dim woman whose breasts are so large that she can’t see her chips. Some women found it sexist and that it propagated the view of women as sex objects.

3.1.3. homosexuality no party should be influencing what the society thinks about homosexuality.

3.2. self-perception

3.2.1. self-esteems may be lowered and self-perceptions are skewed when one is exposed to unrealistic standards all the time. E.g. use of ultra-thin models in many advertisements have created a culture of eating disorders in the pursuit of thinness.

3.3. adverse health effects

3.3.1. Eg: Misleading cigarette advertisements in Bangladesh, claiming the positive effects of smoking: reducing pain of childbirth. (because smoking apparently reduces the size of baby) Resulted in an increase in pregnant women picking up the habit, thus a greater health risk involved

3.4. political issues

3.4.1. political campaigns currently, it's all about branding and campaigning to win majority of popular votes. If a party has lesser resources, they are at a disadvantage. To what extent is this allowed in swaying votes?

3.5. ethnic and religious issues

3.5.1. Prevent the spread of malicious ideas attacking(insulting) particular race or religion. Thus ensuring social cohesion

3.6. affects one's business

3.6.1. TV channels - if they air ads offend powerful political parties/lobbyist, it would spell disaster for their business

3.7. advocacy advertising

3.7.1. influence and manipulate the minds of the unthinking ones In January 2004, CBS refused to to air an ad criticizing President Bush for running up budget deficits -- the possible consequences if untrue ads are aired

4. CHANNELS (of advertising)

4.1. media

4.1.1. TV

4.1.2. Radio

4.1.3. News

4.1.4. Post

4.1.5. Internet Also social networking sites like facebook! Blogs. Especially well-frequented ones like Singaporean blogger Xia Xue

4.1.6. flyers

4.1.7. magazines

4.2. outdoor advertising

4.2.1. tradeshows, events New node

4.2.2. public transport and infrastructures

5. Purpose of advertising:

5.1. To sell more of a particular idea or product

5.2. Increase consumer demand for goods and services

5.3. to spread an ideal/perception

5.4. to garner support for groups/causes

5.5. For entertainment, to create an impact!

6. Why it should NOT be restricted

6.1. Infringes on freedom of speech

6.1.1. platform to express ideas and to be heard

6.1.2. get serious messages aross in a more acceptable way

6.1.3. adressess sensitive issues on a in a neutral light

6.2. Economical value

6.2.1. restriction would mean more advertisements being regulated/pulled down Many television, radio stations, websites depends on advertising as a platform to earn. Thus enabling many of us to enjoy their "free" services. Eg: Blogger (xiaxue). Companies would have a harder time selling their products. Since advertisement is the easiest and most effective platform to reach out to the masses Advertising firms would be hit. More red tapes to overcome(admin staff needed=money!) :(

6.3. Bring about a conformist society i.e. people do not think for themselves

6.3.1. what is published in the media is highly regulated by the government all the media advertised end up revolving around issues the governemnt wants to spread, highly influencing people to think in the most convenient way for the government only the advertisement regulated could be thoughts and ideas the government does not want the public to cultivate, most probably thoughts that are aginast their policies.

6.4. Dull advertisements

6.4.1. drains away creativity from sellers, unable to make their product stand out from the rest, thus failing to meet the the aim of selling their products though the certain advertisements ( as mentioned from the above examples), have detrimental effects on society, it is no doubt an effective way to capture consumers'attention. Thus achieving the main aim of selling the products. Advertisements should be taken light heartedly. Consumers have to be able to sieve out the main message of the advertisement from all the glitter/ glamour/ provocative issues surrounding them. Usage of "inappropiate" mediums ( for an instance, racists/ racy/political attacking ideas) are all done in the name of good will and fun, as a form of sale gimmick to draw attention to their product.

7. To what extent

7.1. Restricted in these ways

7.1.1. when there is nudity

7.1.2. when there is false information

7.1.3. when it defames another political party/religious or ethnic group/minorities (these 'protected' groups tend to be the ones accepted by the society and Govt. as the ones that should be protected)

7.1.4. when it promotes adverse social behaviours (eg) smoking, being thin etc

7.2. if not, advertisements are actually fine, as they are used to bring information to customers and help bring business to sellers. in a way, it is unfair that sellers who cannot advertise are at a disadvantage, but selling is also about packaging and customers do want to see a certain standard of products, and their first impression of them comes from advertisements. sellers who can come up with witty and funny advertisements that attract customers attention and makes them remember their product will then have an edge, and the fault is not due to advertising, but who has more wit to take advantage of the situation.