2. "How inventions and discoveries are used is not the concern of the scientist." Do you agree? (Nov 2004)by 09S55 GOH KAI REN
1. Paragraph 1 (Disagree)
1.1. Some scientists endeavour to achieve betterment of mankind particularly through inventions and discoveries.
1.2. Albert Einstein, famed for his theory behind building an atomic bomb considered himself to be a pacifist. In 1929, he publicly declared that if a war broke out he would "unconditionally refuse to do war service, direct or indirect, regardless of how the cause of the war should be judged." But his firm position changed in 1933, as the result of Adolf Hitler's ascent to power in Germany. While still promoting peace, Einstein no longer fit his previous self-description of being an "absolute pacifist". The fear that the Nazi will succeed in building an atomic bomb propmted Einstein to sign a letter to President Franklin Roosevelt urging that the bomb be built. As seen, the concern of how his discoveries are employed , brought Albert Einstein into World War II.
2. Paragraph 3 (Disagree)
2.1. Inventions which may have disastrous consequences if they fall into the wrong hands are tightly secured and protected
2.2. Scienctists who work in government controlled industry like the defence industry are guaranteed that their inventions would be wisely employed under the state's regulations.
3. Colour's of members
3.1. Kai Ren - Green
3.2. Fang Hua - Purple
4. Paragraph 2 (Disagree)
4.1. Even though some inventions are truely meant to benefit society. Its pervassive usage by different groups of people results in different consequences.
4.2. Richard Jordan Gatling invented the Gatling gun after he noticed early in the American Civil War that a majority of the dead were lost to disease rather than gunshots. In 1857, he wrote: "It occurred to me that if I could invent a machine - a gun - which could by its rapidity of fire, enable one man to do as much battle duty as a hundred, that it would, to a large extent supersede the necessity of large armies, and consequently, exposure to battle and disease would be greatly diminished." Although his inventions is meant to minimise lost of lives to his countryman, but the fact that his enemy would then acquire his invention in the subsequent years condradicted his intention. The situation was out of his reach albeit being concerned.
5. Paragraph 4 (Agree)
5.1. It is not in the hands of the scientist to decide how the inventions are used
5.2. Scientists are the ones creating the inventions but they do not have the financial power over it. It is up to the people who purchase the works of the scientist to use it. An example is the atomic bombing of the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki by America as an attempt to stop World War II. No one had expected the negative side-effects of the nuclear radiation from the atomic bombs and should the scientists bear the responsibilities although they were not the ones using it.