Race in Latin America

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Race in Latin America by Mind Map: Race in Latin America

1. A coolie was a unskilled labouror.

2. Brazil

2.1. May 13, 1998 was the 100th anniversery that brazil was slave free.

2.2. Brazil had more African American slaves than the Americans.

2.2.1. Columbia had the most

2.3. Afro-Brazillian

2.3.1. Blacks that had Brazil ancestory.

2.3.2. Were seen as the minority , until they decided to do something about it.

2.3.3. Fought back to earn rights like education, power, and social services.

2.4. Racial speech used to prove that inequality still exists.


2.5.1. Solved the race problem

3. Columbia was known to have the most populated blacks in Latin America.

4. Indigenous Communities

4.1. The indigenous people lost land and were discriminated and treated unequally.

4.2. Guarani People.

4.3. The idea of overtaking idigenous people was aided by the government in Chile.

4.4. Mapuchue people were forced to leave their land and they could not do anything about it.

4.5. Began protesting

5. Blacks and Indigenous people were discriminated.

6. Perspectives

6.1. Structualist

6.2. Racial Formation

7. Asian Immigration

7.1. Created small groups in Mexico in the early 17th century.

7.2. Chinese coolie began and it imported surgar from

7.3. British first used the Chinese for exporting.

7.4. In the mid 19th century, Chinese coolies worked on sugar plantations.

7.5. Asian colonies began to exist in America after the Manila trade.

7.6. The Chinese Began to migrate to Mexico, Cuba, and Peru.

7.7. Koreans were spotted in Mexico in the 1990s.

8. Mexico

8.1. Cocaine was sold it Tepito, Mexico City.

8.2. Mexico's Independence planned on creating mixed races and cultures.

8.3. Few Chinese Immigrants migrated to Mexico

8.4. Zapitista Movement.

8.4.1. Started as a peasant movement since there was dishonesty with the Mexican government.

8.4.2. Went to war and the outcome of the war changed Mexico heavily. Indigenous People died.

8.4.3. Alberation Army duked it out against the Mexican Government.

8.5. Exchanged with Manila, Mexican Silver for luxury goods.