1. over-reliance
1.1. technology render us helpless in case of sudden break down
1.1.1. volcano ash disrupt Europe's air traffic
1.2. modern disease due to over-reliance on technology
1.2.1. obesity due to lack of exercise
1.2.2. brain tumour due to overuse of HP
1.2.3. cancer due to radiation of Maglev
1.3. moral issue triggered by extensive use of technology
1.3.1. from cloning of animals to human
1.4. Over-reliance in technology may result in the society becoming lazy. Menial tasks like cooking or cleaning are seldom done without the use of technology. Most people tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle and this has significant impact on modern society's health.
2. reliance, but not over dependent
2.1. easy interaction
2.1.1. e.g.social networking
2.2. fast transportion
2.2.1. long distance
2.2.2. short distance
2.3. efficient process/storage of information
2.3.1. process of statistics using computers
2.3.2. e mailing VS traditional mailing
2.3.3. calculators VS brain working
2.4. Increased convenience in daily life
2.4.1. people use technology for convenience and efficiency that does not necessarily equate to over-reliance
3. little reliance
3.1. accessibility of technology
3.1.1. mostly present in developed countries (e.g. Japan) rather than less developed countries
3.1.2. concentrated in urban areas rather than rural areas e.g. rural communities are often displaced to make way for developments that primarily benefit the urban poplution