Social Media and Language - Personal vs. Prodessional

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Social Media and Language - Personal vs. Prodessional by Mind Map: Social Media and Language - Personal vs. Prodessional

1. Personal

1.1. Family

1.2. Friends

1.3. Clubs/Organizations

1.4. More relaxed

1.5. Can use abbreviations

1.5.1. ttyl

1.5.2. brb

1.5.3. lol

1.5.4. asap

2. Professional

2.1. Job

2.1.1. Resume

2.1.2. Online Resume LinkedIn REAP

2.2. Education

2.2.1. Blackboard

2.2.2. Twitter

2.2.3. Google+

2.3. More structured

2.4. Proper grammar and punctuation

2.5. More complex language

2.5.1. Few if any abbreviations

2.5.2. APA style for citations

3. Where does texting fit in?

4. Grammar

4.1. You vs. u

4.2. Are or our vs. r

4.3. Capitalization

4.4. Punctuation

5. Platforms

5.1. Facebook

5.2. Twitter

5.3. Reddit

5.4. Tumblr

5.5. Google+

5.6. Dating Websites?

5.7. LinkedIn

5.8. Most platforms are social but CAN be professional!

6. Settings

6.1. Professional

6.1.1. Blackboard

6.1.2. Email communications

6.1.3. Twitter

6.2. Personal

6.2.1. Facebook

6.2.2. Tumblr

6.2.3. Twitter