Salvador Dalí

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Salvador Dalí by Mind Map: Salvador Dalí

1. Interwar Period:

2. Conclusion

3. Biography: Salvador Dalí was a spanish artist that explored Cubism as well as Futurism and Metaphysical Painting, before finally turning to Surrealism. Salvador Dalí was born on May 11, 1904, in Figueres, Spain. Dalí’s paintings were influenced by Classic Renaissance masters. The rise of fascist leader Francisco Franco in Spain led to the artist's expulsion from the Surrealist movement, but that didn't stop him from painting, he moved to the US and came back just before World War II started.After the war Dalí started painting optical illusions which made him one of the icons of pop art. Dalí died in his hometown in 1989.

4. Relation: Salvador Dali during 1919 to 1939 was a period of rising, in this period he was expelled of the San Fernando Academy and two years after he returned, during this period he met important artists like Picasso in his first trip to Paris, also, in this period he was involved in the greatest galleries with Miró. We can say that the best moment of Salvador Dalí was the interwar period. Dalí represented a critic or the actual time during his art, we can see this very explicit in “The face of war” that represented the rough time that was having his country during the 1940’s because of the Civil War.