Holes mind map

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Holes mind map by Mind Map: Holes mind map

1. man vs nature

1.1. while at camp greenlake stanley and the rest of the group must survive and endure the harsh climate of the desert with only a small bottle of water as they work tirelessly through the day digging holes. they must also stay clear of the predators in the desert that could likely injure and or kill them

2. man vs man

2.1. in one part, stanley is attacked by a fellow member of his group and beats him up, zero rushes to stanleys aid to defend him and also ends up almost killing the individual in stanleys defense.

3. man vs society

3.1. in one part of the book, the townspeople find out that kate barlow has an intimate relationship with sam who is an african American male and are not to fond of that. they set ablaze to her classroom, take a boot, and hunt him into the river where they shoot him down.