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Motion by Mind Map: Motion

1. Velocity

1.1. Length/Time

1.1.1. SI units= Meters/Second

1.2. Graphically vs time

1.2.1. Slope of line= instantaneous acceleration

1.2.2. Area under curve= Displacement

2. Position

2.1. Length

2.1.1. SI units= Meters

2.2. Graphically vs Time

3. Acceleration

3.1. Length/Time^2

3.1.1. SI units= Meters/Second^2

3.2. Graphically vs time

3.2.1. Slope of line= instantaneous rate of change of acceleration

3.2.2. Positive y postion = speeding up

3.2.3. Negative y position= slowing down

3.2.4. Area under curve= Average velocity during that time period