American Civil War

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American Civil War by Mind Map: American Civil War

1. Women in the Civil War

2. Henry Clay the Great Comprimiser

3. Map of USA and the CSA

4. 8th New York Militia Engineer Corps.

5. Robert E. Lee

6. Ulysses S. Grant

7. CSA President Jefferson Davis

8. Stonewall Jackson

9. Nurses in the Civil War

10. Video showing the battle lines and how they changed during the civil war.

11. The War!

11.1. 1861 Year 1

11.1.1. Call for 75,000 Troops

11.1.2. First shots fired on Fort Sumter.

11.1.3. First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas Junction)

11.2. 1862 Year 2

11.2.1. U. S. Grant Begins to prove himself

11.2.2. Emancipation Proclemation-Effective January 1st 1863

11.2.3. Battle of Fredricksburg

11.3. 1863 Year 3

11.3.1. Battle of Chancellorsville

11.3.2. Stonewall Jackson Dies

11.3.3. Battle of Gettysburg-Beginning of the End

11.3.4. Battle of Chickamauga-most bloody day in American History

11.3.5. Gettysburg Adress

11.4. 1864 Year 4

11.4.1. Battle of Wilderness

11.4.2. Battle of Spotsylvania

11.4.3. Gen. Grant v. Gen. Lee

11.5. 1865 Year 5

11.5.1. Lincolns Reelection

11.5.2. Appomattox- Gen. Lees surrender

11.5.3. Lincolns Assasination

12. Initial Causes

12.1. Laws and Comprimises

12.1.1. Henry Clay

12.1.2. Missouri Comprimise

12.1.3. Compromise of 1850

12.1.4. Dred Scott Decision 1857

12.1.5. Kansas-Nebraska Act

12.2. Other Significant Factors

12.2.1. Lincolns Election

12.2.2. Uncle Toms Cabin

12.2.3. Slavery

12.2.4. Tarrifs

12.2.5. The Nature of Federalism

13. Reconstruction 1863-1877

13.1. US Government

13.1.1. Andrew Johnson

13.1.2. Radical Republicans

13.1.3. Congress

13.2. State Governments

13.2.1. Carpetbaggers

13.2.2. Poll tax and other voting restrictions

13.2.3. Public Schools

13.3. Reconstruction Amendments

13.3.1. 13th Amendment

13.3.2. 14th Amendment

13.3.3. 15th Amendment

14. The Reconstruction

15. Civil War Battles

16. Fort Sumter

17. Henry Clay

18. Abraham Lincoln

19. The Battle of St. Petersburg

20. Gen. Lee's Surrender to Grant at Appomattox