Grand Canyon
by Erin Eickman

1. Resources
2. Essential Question: What can archaeologists and scientists learn from studying the Grand Canyon?
3. Size
3.1. 4,063 football fields long
3.2. 277 miles long
3.3. widest point is 18 miles
3.4. 880 park rangers deep
3.5. Width is 10 miles
3.6. 1,450 miles long-Colorado River
3.7. depth is 1 mile
4. Rock Layers
4.1. Each layer represents an ancient period of Earth's history
4.2. Layers at the bottom are older than the layers at the top
4.3. Fossils
4.4. Tapeats sandstone was made 515-540 million years ago
4.5. The layers are like a huge sandwich
4.6. Kinds of Rocks/Minerals
4.6.1. limestone
4.6.2. Clay
4.6.3. Sandstone
4.6.4. Golden
4.6.5. Boulder
4.6.6. Copper
4.6.7. Sediments
4.6.8. Sand
5. Traveling through the canyon
5.1. Cable trail over the river- made in 1907
5.2. trails for people to walk
5.3. One trail is called the Panther Gap
5.4. can walk to the meteor crater site
5.5. rocky and bumpy trails
5.6. canoeing or kayaking in the river
5.7. River trips to tour the canyon sites
6. Erosion
6.1. Colorado River erodes the Grand Canyon
6.2. The rock walls are cracked
6.3. The erosion has created many layers
7. Ancient Homes
7.1. What was inside
7.1.1. Ventilator shafts= get air inside made from stone
7.1.2. hearth=fire place for cooking and warmth
7.1.3. shovels
7.1.4. storage bin
7.2. made with stable soil
7.3. Kiva = posts used to hold the roof
7.4. possibly a 12 foot room
7.5. entered the home from a hole in the roof
7.6. some walls made of plaster
7.7. flagstone flooring
7.8. upper floor level
7.9. box shaped
7.10. over 1,000 years old
8. Life in the Canyon
8.1. Plants
8.1.1. Cacti
8.1.2. Trees
8.1.3. Indian Gardens
8.1.4. Banana Yucca
8.1.5. Many green plants
8.1.6. Squaw Bush
8.1.7. Utah Juniper
8.1.8. Some dried/dead plants
8.1.9. The plants help the environment
8.1.10. Mormontea
8.1.11. Tumbleweed
8.1.12. Big sage brush
8.1.13. Grass
8.1.14. Fern bush
8.2. Animals
8.2.1. Condors
8.2.2. Moose
8.2.3. Bats
8.2.4. Birds
8.2.5. Squirrels
8.2.6. Burro
8.2.7. Donkey
8.2.8. The animals helped the Native Americans
8.2.9. They have special adaptations to live there
8.2.10. snakes
8.2.11. insects