Local Babies, Global Science Chapter 6/7

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Local Babies, Global Science Chapter 6/7 by Mind Map: Local Babies, Global Science Chapter 6/7

1. Around 70%-80% of patients will not have babies

2. Women are the "face" of IVF because they go through the procedures.

3. repetition equals more success

4. the more attempts at IVF, the higher success rate

5. Women may be the face of the treatment, but the men are the problem

6. Successful treatments also depend on the quality of care given.

7. Huda, a civil engineer, still distrusts the level of advancement in IVF treatment.

8. Baby born via IVF can have serious genetic disorders.

9. IVF treatments are often numerous, invasive, and painful.

10. Men worry about passing on weak sperm to children

11. There are doctors who "fluff" their number of successful treatments.

12. Huge lack of universal definition of "successful pregnancy"