The Inca Creation Myth

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The Inca Creation Myth by Mind Map: The Inca Creation Myth

1. Main Character: The Sun, Pachacamac.

1.1. Bright.

1.2. Creator.

1.3. Powerful.

1.4. Imposing.

2. NOTA: The Inca Mitology had a place in some territories like Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile y Argentina.

3. Solution of the problem.

3.1. Creation of the moon, stars and planets.

4. Main idea.


4.1.1. Creation of the world

4.2. CAUSE

4.2.1. The emptiness of the sky at night.

5. Objetives of the myth.

5.1. Creation of the world by the Inca Mitology.

5.2. Birth of the Inca culture.

5.3. Creation of the humans.

5.4. Creation of Early Civilizations.

6. The End.

6.1. Creation of cities and civilizations, divided into north (masculine force) and south (feminine force).

7. Other Characters

7.1. Son of the sun and the moon.

7.1.1. Respresent the masculine force.

7.2. Daughter of the sun and the moon.

7.2.1. Respresent the feminine force.