Enterprise 2.0
by Jane Mendoza
1. Enterprise innovation
2.1. Search
2.2. Links
2.3. Authorship
2.4. Tags
2.5. Extensions
2.6. Signals
3. Characterized as:
3.1. flat organization
3.2. agile and flexible
3.3. user-driven technology
3.4. distributed
3.5. simple
4. opens communication for enterprise
5. requires no experts
6. Web 2.0 Tools and Technologies
6.1. RSS
6.2. blogs
6.3. wikis
6.4. social networking
6.5. tags
6.6. social bookmarking
7. revolutionized Enterprise 1.0
7.1. IT driven technology
7.2. inflexibility
7.3. centralized
7.4. hierarchy and bureaucracy
7.5. overly complex
8. Enterprise collaboration