Physical Education Content and Pedagogy

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Physical Education Content and Pedagogy by Mind Map: Physical Education Content and Pedagogy

1. Motor Developmet

1.1. spacial

1.2. psychomotor

1.3. enviornment factors

2. Pedagogy

2.1. emphasis on how to learn

2.2. understand how students learn

2.2.1. physically intellectually socially

2.3. develop

2.3.1. motivation intrinsic extrinsic to enhance performance and learning

2.4. planning

2.4.1. activities

2.4.2. skills

2.4.3. modifications Adaptive PE

2.5. Assessment

2.5.1. fitnessgrams

2.5.2. heartmonitors

2.6. Reinforcement

2.6.1. reward system for positive reinforcement

3. Content

3.1. emphasis on what is being learned

4. Movement Development

4.1. locomotor

4.2. nonlocomotor

4.3. manipulative

4.4. landing skills

4.4.1. body

4.4.2. space

4.4.3. effort

5. Fitness and Excercise Science

5.1. Human Biology

5.2. Body System

5.3. seeks to promote healthy lifestlyes

5.3.1. social skills

6. Biomechanics

7. New node