Humor Hunt

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Humor Hunt by Mind Map: Humor Hunt

1. Sarcasm: An example of the humorous device sarcasm is the character Lucy from Charlie Brown. She is almost always sarcastic saying things like, "you blockhead." The purpose of sarcasm is to mock or poke fun at someone or something.

2. Situational Irony: An example of the humorous device situational irony is another example from Charlie Brown, Linus and Sally waiting all night for the Great Pumpkin. The first time I watched this movie, I was waiting for the Great Pumpkin to show up too. Situational irony is when neither the viewer, reader, or the characters know what is going to happen. The effect of this device could leave the audience or the reader shocked or surprised at the ending.

3. Dramatic Irony: An example of the humorous device dramatic irony is yet another example from Charlie Brown, Lucy taking the ball away every time as Charlie Brown is about to kick it. This is an example of dramatic irony because the audience knows what is going to happen, yet Charlie Brown gets talked into it every time. This kind of irony leaves you with a "face-palm moment" because you knew Lucy was going to pull it away yet Charlie Brown still went for it.

4. Hyperbole: An example of the humorous device hyperbole is one of Dr. Seuss's quotes, "Kid, you'll move mountains! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So... get on your way! Hyperbole is basically a form of exaggeration, whose purpose is used to really emphasize a point. This is an example of a hyperbole because it is an exaggeration, no one can move mountains.

5. Malapropism: An example of the humourous device malapropism is another one of Dr. Seuss's quotes, "Today you are you. That is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." Malapropism is when the author puts a wrong word that is similar sounding to the correct word in the correct words place. This is an example of malapropism because "youer" is not a word, so he put a nonsensical word in his quote to make it rhyme.

6. Pun: An example of the humorous device pun is yet another one of Dr. Seuss's quotes, "You're in pretty good shape for the shape you are in." A pun is basically a play on words done for a funny effect. This quote is an example of a pun because it really doesn't matter what shape you are in. You can be any shape or size you want.