Registrar's Office SWOT

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Registrar's Office SWOT by Mind Map: Registrar's Office SWOT

1. Strengths

1.1. Leadership that includes a lengthy history at MBU

1.2. Administrative understanding and support

1.3. Regular access to and collaboration with VP AA

1.4. Double computer monitors for increased productivity

1.5. Two private offices, providing options for project work

1.6. A developed teamwork and camaraderie

1.7. Comprehensive coverage of Jenzabar EX and JICS

1.8. Three report writers in the office

1.9. Flexible online course registration process

1.10. Streamlined semester registration processes

2. Weaknesses

2.1. Relative inexperience of most of the office personnel

2.2. Small staff size, only occasional cross training

2.3. Need for expertise in a wide diversity of tasks

2.4. Long task lists, frequently with overdue tasks

2.5. Outdated or non-existent process manuals

2.6. Limited resources to maintain currency with best practices publications

2.7. Hasty, incomplete early training

2.8. Outdated and well-worn office appearance, yet very public

2.9. Limited secure storage space

2.10. Limited office space when receiving as many as four or five visitors

2.11. Frequent need to work with inaccurate or incomplete data

2.12. Uneven heating in the office, sometimes quite hot or cold

3. Opportunities

3.1. Current accommodating environment for faculty

3.2. Dispersed EX reports and tasks currently underutilized

3.3. Strong camaraderie with other departments on campus

3.4. Additional services for new and growing demographics

3.5. Likely increased collaboration with IRE

3.6. New approach to the Registrar's Report for the changing climate

3.7. Eventual expansion of National Student Clearinghouse

3.8. The new ODR process

4. Threats

4.1. Changing requirements of government regulation

4.2. Expectant mindset in current student market

4.3. Unwillingness by many students to regularly access email or announcements

4.4. Wide and growing list of inter-departmental expectations

4.5. Expanding program offerings at multiple degree levels

4.6. Growing scheduling issues with remote sites

4.7. Growing number of distinct registration billing arrangements

4.8. Occasional delayed EX processes based on timing of IT updates

4.9. Quickly growing need for non-course classroom use