Trench War

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Trench War by Mind Map: Trench War

1. free time in the trenches

1.1. some soldiers tried to sleep their boredom off

1.2. some wrote letters

1.3. playing cards

2. rats

2.1. spread diseases

2.1.1. ate the mens corpse

2.2. contaminated foods

2.3. filled the trenches

3. minimum food

3.1. some soldiers found it hard to get food

3.2. food was cherished when received

3.3. when beginning the war, soldiers were only given a pound of meat and half pound of vegetables

4. trench foot

4.1. the trenches were muddy and filled with water

4.2. the soldiers dried their feet and changed their socks twice a day so they wouldnt get it

4.3. they had to get their leg or foot amputated