Digital tools that increase academic success in an online classroom include cloud networking, onl...

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Digital tools that increase academic success in an online classroom include cloud networking, online libraries, and Google by Mind Map: Digital tools that increase academic success in an online classroom include cloud networking, online libraries, and Google

1. Conclusion: Digital tools can be very helpful in today's online learning environment. Three important digital tools that will increase success in an online environment include cloud networking, online libraries, and Google. Each of these have an important function to make a student's life a little easier while attending the online classroom. Mastering these skills and tools will make online learning simple and easy.

2. Online library

2.1. Using an online database

2.2. Search Accuracy

2.3. Search Tips

3. Google

3.1. Google Calendar

3.2. Gmail

3.3. notifications and synergy

4. Cloud Networking

4.1. File Sharing

4.2. Accessibility to information

4.3. Reliability

5. Introduction: Online learning is different and challenging, are there any ways to make it easier? Students ponder this question frequently and are constantly looking for ways to make their life easier in the online classroom. The age of online learning is now and more students are in the online classroom than ever before. Tools and resources are out there waiting for students to use and ease their way through their degree plan. The easy thing about these tools is that they are all digital and anyone can download them for use. Digital tools that increase academic success in an online classroom include cloud networking, online libraries, and Google